The Three Worlds

Kshar, Akshar and Aksharateet

There are three worlds: the worlds of Kshar Purusha, Akshar Brahmn and Aksharateet Supreme Brahmn. The lower-most world is the impermanent physical world of Kaalmaya in which we all live. Beyond Kaalmaya are the eternal worlds of Akshar Brahmn’s Yogmaya and the Paramdham of Aksharateet Sachidananda Supreme Brahmn.

In His Holy Kuljam swaroop, Lord Prannath speaks repeatedly of this basic model. The Tartam Knowledge of Buddha Nis-kalanka Avatar enlightens the Path to Eternal Bliss that lies beyond all forms (sakaar) and formless (nirakaar). While speaking of divine oneness among Lord Krishna and Prophet Muhammad, the Supreme Lord Prannath shows Nijanand even beyond the Krishna Consciousness. This is the domain which has never been explored before since Creation. Even Hindu Vedas remained silent by sounding ‘Neti…Neti’. Every seeker must understand this Kuljamic model to correctly interprete and apply the Holy Wani in their individual lives. May all souls find their Original Abodes.