
According to the Holy Kuljam Swaroop, we are all spiritual beings (Souls) on the human journey. In other words, the Souls have descended to this world as humans. Those who have realized this fact are true Sundersath. They adhere to certain values as they interact with the society and the world. The Holy KS and Bitak Saheb specifically require that all Sundersath devotees adhere to at least the following values. A true Sundersath, or a Nijanandi, must therefore be committed to live by them.

Sundersath Life: Fundamental Principles

Interestingly, the disciplined practice in Nijanand Sampradaya does not exclude the practice and reinforcement of the 10 principles of Dharma commonly described in Hinduism. Rather these principles are automatically absorbed in one’s heart as one very carefully prepares for welcoming the Kuljamic UR within his heart by receiving the qualities of the eight divine oceans (Sagars):

  1. Knowing and practicing truth, meditation on Jagrit Buddhi symbolized by Noor Sagar. Practicing the path of truth, love and nonviolence.
  2. Cleanliness, purity, transperancy or beauty outwardly and within, including control of the senses symbolized by Neer Sagar. This is achieved through selfless service (Seva) of others, seva, and by experiencing our true self in Mool Milawa.
  3. Patience and harmony symbolized by Khir Sagar. The Soul’s faith in Vahedat-eakdili gives birth to patience. Patience is born out of Eakdili, which has its roots in Truth and Purity. Acts of impatience reflects lack of truthfulness and purity of intentions. Meditation on Dham Leela awakens harmony.
  4. Control of anger out of false ego or peace symbolized by Dadhi Sagar. When the Soul is adorned with the divine glory, beauty, harmony, she received true peace. Meditation of Shri Raj Shyamaji’s Singar gives birth to eternal peace in one’s heart.
  5. Love and non-violence, compassion or Daya symbolized by Ghrut Sagar. Meditation on the purest nature of Love or Ishak awakens this divine quality in one’s heart.
  6. Right knowledge and wisdom symbolized by Madhu Sagar. Meditation on the Elam of Nij Buddhi brings full enlightenment to an individual soul.
  7. Spiritual Intimacy or Nsbat is symbolized by Rus Sagar. An enlightened soul constantly meditates the fact that she is spiritually married to her eternally beloved Shri Rajji and gives her ‘whole’ in His lotus-feet.
  8. Tolerance and forgivness symbolized by Servarus or Meher Sagar. Humility (Vinamrata), gratitude (Krutagnata, thankfulness), and a sense of humor (vinod vruti) are regarded as indispensable in the spiritual life of a sundersath. Servarus Sagar is all-inclusive. The Soul’s heart now is truly Arsh Dil or the Abode of the Lord Aksharateet.

Sundersath Prayer for Virtues:

Sundersathjis should pray to Shri Rajji for these virtues: Dear Shri Rajji! Please transform my vision for life and the world through your divine grace. Please empower me so I may hold paramount the following scripture-prescribed virtues as I interact with the society and the world.

Dear Shri Rajji! Please empower me so I may:

  1. Manage my anger by diverting and using it to throw Maya away, and to invite Shri Rajji closer to my heart so I may bring continual success in life.
  2. Be truthful in my thought, speech and actions.
  3. Not become greedy for the material wealth. Instead, I shall be greedy for the Lord’s Divine treasure.
  4. Practice forgiveness in life as I interact with others.
  5. Control inappropriate sexual desires and practice purity in my family relationships. I shall do so by redirecting my affections and love towards you, which are otherwise centered on selfish worldly relationships.
  6. Examine myself daily to check on my own sincerity and pure-heartedness.
  7. Not to be hostile to anyone.
  8. Live a simple life, and
  9. Support my subordinates to the best of my abilities.

Dear Lord! I seek refuge in your divine lotus feet to be able to live by these virtues. I am sure; your GRACE shall make that happen. Protect me from my false ‘ego’, which is the cause for my spiritual disaster. May your Grace be the center-point of my life!

Sundersath Prayer for Values:

Sundersathjis pray to Shri Rajji to build their life on the foundation of these universal values. Dear Shri Rajji! Please empower me so I may practice them in my daily life.

As a true sundersath, I shall:

  1. Practice the teachings of Lord Prannath in every aspect of life and set examples for others to benefit self and the humanity by at least doing the following:
    1. Pondering upon the Holy Words of Shri Kuljam Swaroop, taking them to heart, being in constant awareness of one’s spiritual origin, the purpose of life, and the Final Judgment.
    2. Seeking Mool Milawa at all times, remaining attached to the lotus feet of the Perfect Divine Couple Shri Raj Shyamaji, keeping all promises made in the eternal Abode, including being committed to the divine cause of jagni.
    3. Living a very simple and ego-less life, killing the false ego daily, finding a true victory even in losing, staying in the sundersath community like the dirt under their feet, and remaining open to receive other people’s virtues.
    4. Remaining untouched by the worldly ‘moha’, being fully contended in a very simple and humble life, and seeing no difference between happiness (sukh) and pain (dukh).
    5. Remaining constantly engaged in the selfless services (seva) with body, mind and wealth.
  2. Regard all Holy Scriptures, including the scriptures of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, with high respect and as testimony for understanding spiritual matters such as unity of God, the Form of God and His Divine Pastime.
  3. Respect the diversity in the teachings of all great masters, saints, prophets and other people of wisdom; and look for the common threads bringing them together on one universal foundation in light of the Tartam Knowledge.
  4. Do not discriminate against anyone’s race, religion, social status, gender or regions of origin.
  5. Abstain from
    1. Non-vegetarian life style.
    2. Intoxicants such as: tobacco in any form, alcohol and drugs of all kinds1.
    3. Prostitution or polygamy, including sexual relationship with anyone other than one’s legitimate life partner.
  6. Beware of the deceiving agents of Maya such as
  1. People, who misleads human society with their talents of scriptural knowledge, and who knowingly misinterprets the scriptures for their worldly gain.
  2. Entertainers and media such as cinemas, TV, radio, dance clubs, including Internet.
  3. Preachers (so-called Shashtris), who try to deceive their listeners by twisting the truth with their sweet language.
  4. Miracle Performers, who deceive people by performing false miracles for their worldly gains.  

Sundersath Life: Basic’To Do’ List

  1. Purification Through God-Realization: O sundersath (soul)!  You can’t be sure of even a single moment of your life. What then, is the guarantee for days, months, and years? Your life is tied to a predetermined number of breaths. Despite being aware of all these uncertainties, why do you still neglect to pray the lord? Begin to plan for your glorious spiritual future.   Realize your dhani – your lord.   Understand his divine glory and amazing grace.   Practice the art of the unparalleled love for his lotus feet.   This is the way to true urification and true life.2
  2. In Pain or Pleasure, Stay Focused on Your Lord: Pains or pleasures ignore both of them. Both are forms of the false Maya. Let them not distract you away from your Lord. Burn them to ashes. Disregard all the worldly barriers -personal and universal.  Stay in constant focus. Let His divine beauty fill your heart forever.3
  3. Love – The Best Art to Win Eternity: If someone causes you a pain, you continue to love them. Show the power of your love through non-violence. Never lose your sight from our Abode, the Paramdham. Let someone not distract you from your ultimate goal.4
  4. Reinforce Your Divine Relationship – Your Best Business: Never get lost in insignificant worldly issues. Problems will come and go. It’s the nature of this world. Avoid praising or condemning others. Afterall, you are all characters in a Big worldly Drama. Strengthen your spiritual identity. Stay focused on our eternal Paramdham. Do everything necessary to be with your Lord. That’s your REAL business.5
  5. Find Yourself in the “Mool Milawa”: Just concentrate on Mool Milawa Where seated are Shri Rajji, Shyamaji and Sundersath Souls.  On the first floor of our Abode, the Rang Mohol.6
  6. Be A True Sundersath: Let Your Ego Die: Any moment that you may spend among the Sundersath, May you be like the dirt under their feet.  Sacrifice your ego. This is the only benefit of awakening in this world. Be alert in this respect –if you are smart and well informed.7
  7. Read Your Kuljam Swaroop: It’s Your Spiritual Powerhouse! These Holy Words of Shri Kuljam Swaroop are so powerful that, if one takes them seriously, and live by its teachings, he can awake anyone right away.  What can these Holy Words do, if one does not take them to his heart?8
  8. Wake Up Now!  Awake Others! O Sundersathji!  Awake, quit your sleep. Be alert and be vigilant.  Think Wani deeply.  Live and practice Wani.  Awake others. Move forward.  Never step back. This way, prepare for the Jagni marathon. Charge up yourself with Rajji’s love, Exit the temporal universe Break the barriers of eight envelopes, seven Sunyas and Nirakar. THIS IS THE ONLY RIGHT TIME to act.  Rajji’s grace and His Will – both are on your side. Just do your part.  Show your love for Shri Rajji. Awake and Awaken others!  Jago and Jagaao!
