Scriptural Puzzles and Prophecies

Many Rishis, saints, savants, Acharyas, prophets, world-teachers, and even the three godheads (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) have taken birth on the Holy Land of Bharat Varsha (India). Every one of them attempted to seek eternal bliss and explain the glory of Par-Brahmn, the one Supreme Truth God who is the very embodiment of Sat (Truth), Chid (Consciousness) and Anand (Bliss). However, describing their diverse spiritual experiences in their respective scriptures, they cited their particular approach to be leading to the one Supreme Lord or the supreme divinity. None could make clear statements on the esoteric secrets of the heavenly worlds. In fact, they all prophesied the coming of the Holy Man who will clarify it in the future. They also stated the signs of the time of His coming, but mostly in a metaphorical way. Lost in the jungle of the material world, we humans chose to discard these most valuable facts citing them insignificant. In our journey to spiritual awakening, it is essential that we first understand these unsolved puzzles of the world scriptures.

Lord Shiva could not reveal this secret to his consort Uma. Why?

Lord Shiva could not reveal this to his consort Uma when she demanded that he reveal the object of his meditations to her. In fact, Uma could not even listen to the Amar Katha –the Eternal Story–that was being told to her. As a result, the scripture Srimad Bhagvatam descended. But, even the Raas Lila of Lord Krishna could not be explained therein.

Here, one may ask this question:

If this Wisdom was beyond the reach of Laxmi Ji and Uma, the two chief goddesses of this Creation, how can it be within the reach of an ordinary human being?

Yes, those who have not realized the coming of this Divine Wisdom, will perceive this as an impossible happening. However, this has become easily accessible to an awakened soul as this was already prophesied in all world scriptures. That time has already come. Only for this reason, this perticular human life is the most fortunate thing that has happened to our jiva. This 28th cycle of kalyug is even of more value for a jivas eternal salvation than in the sat yuga, the age of truth. This is the beauty of the human birth in this Kaliyug.

Both Hindus and Non-Hindus remained locked in their pride for culture, tradition, and rituals. They confused the main issue of God-realization and Self-realization with these worldly issues. As a result, they failed to find the unity of the divine in the diversity of this world. Many so-called wise people–both Hindus and Non-Hindus–mislead the majority of population by misinterpreting the scriptures to their worldly advantage. Let’s get some preliminary idea as to how the people of the world are forced away from the path to ultimate truth. For instance, Hindus are so overwhelmed by the practice of karmakand (rites and rituals), that only a few individual souls have risen higher to the steps of Upasana, Gyaan and Viyaan. Even today, we see that the believers of the Vedas still deny offering the Gayatri mantra to a person born in a caste traditionally regarded as low. Also, often we see that the original shape of some very imporrtant Hindu scriptures has been distorted. For example, the Harivansha Purana sloka (4/21) had been distorted by replacing the word ‘Brahmnrupinah’ (meaning the souls of the Puran Brahmn) by the word ”Bahurupinah’ (many different forms). In ignorance, Hindus still await for the Buddha Nishkalanka Avatar, who they think is going to come at the end of this Kaliyug.

Mainly, the following points should be noted.

  1. Scriptures of the world religions did talk about Apara Vidya, the knowledge limited to the perishable world of Kshar Purusha. They all speak of freedom from Bhavsagar. But the path to cross the Bhav Sagar [the perishable universe of fourteen lokas (worlds), five tatwas (gross elements) and three gunas (attributes)] remained unexplored.
  1. The definition of one Supreme Lord and the focus of worship of all major world religions generally remained limited to the perishable Kshar Purusha, Moh-Tatwa (total material energy), Nirakaar (formless), Niranjan (baseless), Nirgun (attribute less) and Sunya (void).
  1. Most spiritual masters (Gurus) interpret Kshar as the mortal body, Akshar as the jiva in the mortal body and Aksharateet Uttam Purusha as the Maha Vishnu or the Adi Narayana, who are all, in fact, subject to Final Dissolution or Maha Pralaya.
  1. The distinction between a jiva (the living spirit) and an atman (the true soul) remained unclear. The path of unparallel love (Ishak) or the wifely devotion (pati vrata sadhan) to seek eternal salvation remained obscure. Even the souls of the Par-Brahmn, who arrived in this world to experience the Maya, forgot their true origin, ie., Nijanand. The awakening of souls and a clear-cut understanding of the subjects mentioned above could not have happened without the descent of the long-awaited Para Vidya, i.e., the spotless, Tartam Knowledge from the greatest master, the Nish-kalanka Buddha. Later, each one of these topics will be discussed in details in light of the Divine Wisdom.