As already predicted in Puran Samhita,1 the massive work of soul awakening was to be accomplished through the combined efforts of the two great souls, Sunderbai and Indrawati, from the Supreme Heaven Paramdham. The Holy Koran2 also predicted this: “The soul of Allah (Rooh Allah) will ware two different dresses, viz., Lam is Malki Surat (Devchandraji), and Mim is Hakki Surat (Prannathji).” Accordingly, the soul of Indrawati (worldly name Mehraj Thakur) joined the Jagni mission of Nijanand Swami. Mehraj (Sept. 6, 1618-1694AD, also called Mihir Raj) was born in Jamnagar (Gujarat) to mother Dhanbai and father Keshav Thakur, the Chief Minister of the State. At the age of twelve, he was introduced to Nijanand Swami, who instantly recognized in him the soul of Indrawati and awakened him