Shri Nijanand Sampradaya

A Brief Overview

The Divine Wisdom of Shri Nijanand Sampradaya (NS) brings to light that unique treasure of Hinduism, which has largely remained hidden even from the mainstream Hindu society. It isone of the most precious and the least understood divine jewel of Hinduism, which embraces the universality hidden among the diverse Holy Books of the major world religions of the East and the West, including those of Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

While it recognizes the most common Hindu beliefs about numerous deities, gods and goddesses in proper scriptural hierarchy, it directs the seeker to know, worship and realize One God1 only. In this way, it is monotheistic in nature. It’s all-inclusive or Kuljamic (all-inclusive)2 character brings forth the revelation of the unity between the God of the Jews and the Christians and the Allah of the Muslims and the Par-Brahmn of the Hindus.

The Holy Kuljam Swaroop (KS) proclaims that there is only one all-inclusive Ultimate Reality3, and that there is no difference in Brahmn and Allah4. While that UR is known by different names in the traditions of different world religions, none has described its totality. To explain this oneness, KS touches the most universal aspects of the different world scriptures enabling one to find the roots of God-realization beyond the domains of Kaalmaya5 and the eternal Yogmaya of Akshar Brahmn6.

The Holy KS reveals the most esoteric knowledge of the purest reality of the Self, called ‘Par-atman’ which is beyond the three traditionally recognized layers of life or domains: the sthul or physical body (the molecular field), the sukshma or subtle body (the thoughts field) and the karan or causal body (the spirit field). The body of Par-Atman is called Nirmal Chetan (the purest consciousness), while Atman is the name of the Maha-karan body. This is where it adds significant value to the Vedanta philosophy, which is highly regarded to be the essence of Hinduism. It shows the Origianl Seat of the Souls (Par-Atman) and the Par-Brahmn Aksharateet in this domain of Nirmal Chetan, which it calls Paramdham. This is the domain of the purest divine form – Suddha Sakar, which has been first introduced by the Holy KS.

While the tradition of the Faith has that Par-Brahmn Aksharateet had first appeared as Lord Krishna to the Founder, it eventually reveals the highest secret concerning the One UR that is not limited by any name or concept. In the state of true Nijanand, there is no need for names or even calling. Among the followers, there are both who find comfort in name ‘Shri Krishna’ and there are those who are striving to rise beyond any specific name.

Thus, NS establishes the foundation for spiritual and religious convergence by forming a divine necklace from the scattered messages concerning One God7 in the diverse world scriptures. The scriptures of the East and the West are thus viewed as the ultimate witnesses in realizing this Truth. Principally, KS asserts that the conclusive essence of the Vedas of the East and the wisdoms of all Prophets of the West is contained in Srimad Bhagvatam and the holy Koran respectively. With this assertion, KS then invites the seeker to further explore the eternal domain of Aksharateet Paramdham.

NS offers an unshakable foundational basis for One World Religion that must be based on eight universal principles of spirituality: truth, beauty, harmony, peace, love, wisdom, intimacy, and gracefulness. It does not call for one labeled organized religion throughout the world; rather it calls for a qualitatively unified and harmonious humanity that is focused on One God, who is the source of the eight divine oceans.

NS seeks to enlighten every human heart through the realization of the true essence of these eight universal principles, which are described as the eight divine oceans8in its Holy Book — Shri Kuljam Swaroop (KS). Having visualized these eight divine oceans within the heart of the One God, the practicing individual accepts and builds the most intimate relationship with the Lord, experiences the joy of eternal relationship, and eventually reflects those eight divine virtues in his present life. In this sense, it is more than just a one more ‘sect.’ While it’s earthly history goes back to 422 years (1581A.D.), according to the Faith philosophy, its roots predate even this earthly creation.9

While the modern world is undergoing a major social and moral reform, the original doctrines and philosophies of the many world scriptures are often perceived to be loosing relevance. NS’s divine wisdom and universal philosophy puts them in modern context by avoiding confusions caused by medicalization of religions and their symptomatic approaches, by addressing the unbelief in the true divine existence of God and Heaven and by distinguishing between the real God and the available god. To reap the benefit of this wisdom, one has to learn, practice and experience the eternal joy, and then get engaged in the self-less service of spreading Lord Prannathji’s timeless and universal teachings.


1 Eko brahmn dwitiyo nasti – Holy KS

2 The term Kuljamic is derived from Lord Prannathji’s Holy Kuljam Swaroop. The term ‘Kul’ signifies totality or completeness, and jama implies a depository or a treasury. When one studies the Holy KS, he finds that the nature of Lord Prannathji’s divine wisdom is truly ‘all inclusive’.

3 Par Brahmn toh puran eak hei – Holy KS

4 Soi Khuda Soi Brahmn – Holy KS

5 The domain of Kaalmaya is subject to time and space. It is also known by the terms such as Nirakaar or Formless and Kshar Purusha.

6 Akshar Brahmn is sat (truth, knowledge) part of Sat-Chid-Anand Par-Brahmn Aksharateet.

7 Naam saron jude dharey, jude jude bhekh anek | Jin koi zagdo aap mein dhani sabon ka eak || KS

8Noor Sagar – the ocean of truth and glory, Neer Sagar – the ocean of beauty (transparency), Khir Sagar – the ocean of harmony, Dadhi Sagar – the ocean of adornment (peace), Ghrut Sagar – the ocean of divine love, Madhu Sagar – the ocean of Divine Wisdom, Rus Sagar – the ocean of most intimate spiritual relationship, and Serva-rus Sagar – the ocean of gracefulness (forgiveness).

9Na ishwar na mool prakriti, ta din ki kahun aapabiti | (KS: Pragat Wani). In other words, “O Soul! I am sharing with you those experiences and events, which occurred even when the Ishwara and the Mool Prakriti or the Original Nature didn’t exist!”